I have a small favour to ask:

Please don’t give my friend brain damage.

There is nothing “mild” about this virus.

Even in mild cases (in vaccinated people) it’s causing brain damage, high rates of blood clots, heart attacks, and other life-changing shit, months after you “get better” from infection.
Help yourself to the evidence

So if you care about my friend (or anyone)

Here’s what you need to do:

Don’t let it into your lungs

This is an airborne virus, so it behaves a lot like smoke or vape. If you're near someone, you're definitely breathing it in.

It doesn’t take much to fill up a room with the virus, and it hangs around and lingers in the air for hours. Most people use hand gel religiously - yet breathing the air is how you get the virus

Use a proper mask

Those leaky surgical masks don’t do anything to stop an airborne virus, nor were they designed to. They don’t form a proper seal around your face, so virus-filled air is easily sucked in or sprayed out. Have you ever smelled a gust of perfume or smoke while wearing one? Exactly.

We all need to wear properly fitting N95/FFP2 masks. They really work: you can be standing right next to an infected person, but if you’re both wearing properly fitting FFP2 masks, the chance of getting infected is about one in 700 (0.14 per cent).

Yes they’re a bit more expensive, but caring about my friend means using masks that actually work.

Leave the mask on

It only works if you actually wear it. There is no magic loophole that lets you go anywhere near my friend without a proper N95/FFP2 mask and good ventilation. An airborne virus doesn’t care what your excuse is.

Stop using lateral flow tests wrong

Many people seem to think a negative result on a lateral flow test is a "green light" to ignore the virus, but this is dangerously wrong.

A negative result should be used with other safety measures like good ventilation and masks. This is because there is a good chance the test is wrong, particularly when testing someone without symptoms. Despite claims that LFTs are able to identify the vast majority of infections, they have actually been found to miss between 20 and 81% of positive cases.

This widespread misunderstanding has potentially led to millions of people being falsely reassured and visiting vulnerable relatives while infectious.

The tests were never supposed to be a "green light" to drop all safety measures. Instead, a positive result should be seen as a red light to stop everything and isolate immediately, while a negative result is an orange light to continue with the usual caution, such as wearing masks and ventilating well.

Positive result = "red light"
Stop everything and isolate immediately
Negative result = "orange light"
Continue with all the usual caution (masks, fresh air, hygiene)

Actually use ventilation

Imagine you’ve filled the room with smoke because you suck at cooking. We drop everything and rush to open a window to get the smoke out, yet we hardly lift a finger to remove a highly infectious and life-threatening virus from the air we breathe. Wearing a mask but sitting in a room full of virus means you are assuming your mask is 100% effective - which it isn't.

Portable air purifiers with HEPA filters can play a huge role in removing the virus from the air. They can't replace the need to wear masks, but they can be very effective. We desperately need them in classrooms right now.

Frequently Asked Questions

How did I not know this stuff?

I don't blame you. We're all in the same boat. We're living in a shit-storm of government incompetence and deadly misinformation, resulting in a tragically misled and uninformed population. The NHS website is still showing the old symptoms, so thousands of people won't be isolating when they should be. The long term effects of COVID are getting little attention, despite the world’s leading scientists desperately trying to get the message out.

But they’re saying it’s milder?

They’re only talking about its potential to kill you, but they fail to mention the serious life-changing problems caused by the virus attacking the veins, blood, heart, brain, and more - even in "mild" cases. Look at the evidence for yourself. Look at what everyday people are reporting. I think you'll agree the term "mild" is misleading.

But I’m vaccinated and boosted, I thought I could relax a bit now?

The vaccines are good at reducing deaths, but they don't stop you getting infected, and even a mild case can lead to really bad things in the months that follow. You can easily get reinfected too.

Wait, so I have to wear a mask to hang out with my friends?

Yes, definitely. How else do you plan to avoid infecting each other? Wearing a mask and getting clear air is our only option. Sorry, that's just how the virus works. As soon as we accept that we all need to take action, the sooner we can get past this.

I'm special and I've come up with a loophole, can I ignore the virus now?

The virus doesn't care about your loophole. Thousands of people are dying and suffering around the world because people are spreading the virus. We all need to find a way to do our thing without killing people.

Surely my actions aren't going to make that much difference?

Actually the actions of one person have a crazy impact. We can all choose whether to help kill thousands of people, or help end the pandemic - both with surprisingly little effort. There are lots of easy things we can do to avoid catching it and spreading it, without having to lock ourselves inside.


This study shows that even asymptomatic infection is associated with increased risk of death:
Risk of Cardiovascular Events after Covid-19: a double-cohort study

This study of “mild” cases compared before and after images of brain scans and found “pronounced reduction in grey matter” and evidence of tissue damage:
Brain imaging before and after COVID-19 in UK Biobank

This study of non-hospitalised patients (“mild” cases) found 68% of them had problems after 30 days, increasing to 77% after 60 days:
Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 in a non-hospitalized cohort: Results from the Arizona CoVHORT

This study found that 61% of patients had problems after six months:
Long COVID in a prospective cohort of home-isolated patients

This study found that 30% of patients had reduced Health Related Quality of Life:
Sequelae in Adults at 6 Months After COVID-19 Infection

This study of people with a “mild” infection found they could no longer breathe properly, leading to difficulty exercising and hyperventilation:
Persistent Exertional Intolerance After COVID-19

This study suggests the virus is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, causing brain damage:
The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood-brain barrier in mice

This study shows evidence of Covid’s impact on memory, reasoning, and emotional processing:
Cognitive deficits in people who have recovered from COVID-19

This study shows it is also a vascular disease, with even mild cases infecting blood cells and causing damage:
Evidence of Structural Protein Damage and Membrane Lipid Remodeling in Red Blood Cells from COVID-19 Patients

Want more?

Frequent neurocognitive deficits after recovery from mild COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2 infects brain astrocytes of COVID-19 patients and impairs neuronal viability

How does COVID-19 affect the brain? A troubling picture emerges.

A Tsunami of Disability Is Coming as a Result of ‘Long COVID’

Symptoms and Functional Impairment Assessed 8 Months After Mild COVID-19 Among Health Care Workers

High prevalence of occult thrombosis in cases of mild/moderate COVID-19

Why indoor spaces are still prime COVID hotspots

Multisystem Involvement in Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC)


In other words, it’s not mild.

Please don't kill my friend